We are adding a new pricing tier for local hot tub hires today. Save £20 on the prices displayed on our website ( https://hottubhirescotland.co.uk/pricing-deposit ) when the hot tub delivery is to an address within the City of Dunfermline. This will be per booking for 4 (minimum hire length) or more nights hire, any hot tub model. The map image below gives a guide to the boundary, any hire inside the red line will qualify for the discount. We will deduct the £20 automatically when providing your quote if you qualify. Please complete the hire request form https://hottubhirescotland.co.uk/hire-application-form for a free no obligation quote.
Up to £20 off your hire!
This offer will be valid for any qualifying* hot tub hire that takes place between the 18th September 2023 and Friday the 15th of December 2023.
*Qualifying hire: A qualifying hire is the hire of a Quatrospa or an Antigua hot tub for 4 to 6 nights ‘£10 off’ and 7 nights or more ‘£20 off’ the listed prices https://hottubhirescotland.co.uk/pricing-deposit/ The delivery postcode must be within 15 miles of KY114EG by Google Maps using the fastest route option.
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount and is subject to availability, suitable delivery and placement requirements found on our Hire FAQ page on our website https://hottubhirescotland.co.uk/hire-faq/ and our terms and conditions https://hottubhirescotland.co.uk/terms-and-conditions/
To enquire, please use our contact form found here https://hottubhirescotland.co.uk/contact/

Resuming our business.
I have been in contact with the Lead Officer for Environmental Heath Fife to find out if I can safely resume the business. I have had to make some changes to the way we operate with some caveats that must be met to continue. I believe I can resume hiring safely as long as we all follow the recommendations and advice I have been given.
The following statements are for your safety and ours amid the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. These are additional conditions that must be put in place and agreed to.
- If anyone in your household was part of the “shielding” or “at risk” group please make us aware of this, and we will take extra precautions during the delivery and collection of the hot tub.
- If anyone in your household has or develops symptoms or has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus at the time of the hire delivery you must inform us as the hire will need be delayed and rescheduled to a mutually agreed date after the self-isolation period.
- If any of my family or I (we all live at the same address) develops any symptoms of the COVID-19 virus your hire will unfortunately need to be rescheduled if it is due to takes place while we self-isolate to a mutually agreed date.
- If anyone during your hire develops symptoms or is tested positive as having the COVID-19 you must stop using the hot tub and contact me on 07821419228 as soon as possible. There are further steps that need to be taken if this happens, I will let you know what they are when you contact me.
- During the delivery and collection we will try to keep our distance from you and your family “where possible” and as you do the same with us, we will wear appropriate PPE where necessary. We will avoid entering your home, so you will ideally need to provide a 13 amp socket for power, this should not be an extension cable, we will also need a water tap outdoors however we could hand you the end of hose to connect it to a tap indoors. The tub and equipment will be wiped down with a sanitizer (IPA) at the delivery if less than 72 hours have passed since the previous customer and on collection we will super chlorinate the water in the tub prior to emptying it.
- I’m not accepting cash payments for the foreseeable future. Payments can be made by PayPal for the deposit and bank transfer or using a handheld card machine (not preferred) at the delivery for the remaining balance and bank transfer for the security bond. All payments must be completed before we leave after the delivery.
We’re back!
We are officially back in business after closing in January! May has already filled up with bookings, June has limited availability, it’s great to be back.
Just a short note to let customers know that if they have contacted us by email we will always attempt to send an email response. However, there does seem to be an issue where sometimes the emails we send get filtered into your junk mail folder in error. This tends to be BT and Hotmail/Outlook email accounts or it could be because we tend to provide clickable links within our emails to make it easier to navigate to the appropriate webpages on our website.
Reopening update
We are going to start taking bookings for hires that take place from the 3rd of May as the COVID protection level is expected to be lower by then. We had hoped that the level would have been lowered sooner but to give our customers some assurance that their hire will take place we decided to play it safe. If the COVID protection level comes down before then we will consider taking bookings sooner but we will just need to wait and see what happens. If you have submitted a hire request form for a hire that takes place before then unfortunately, we won’t be able to fulfil that for you.
Business status update (Covid-19)
High volume of enquiries.
I am receiving a high volume of enquiries since announcing the return to hiring from the 1st of June and as such could I ask that you only message or call via one “medium” to help me get through the enquiries as quickly as possible. Can I also ask that you allow a couple of days for a reply and to contact us again if I haven’t answered your enquiry?
If you use my websites contact form or hire form can you please make sure that you check your email junk or spam folders for a reply from me? Sometimes they are filtered there by the email host you use.
If you are calling or messaging via Facebook, WhatsApp or text please be aware of my business hours. I am open Thursday through to Monday and closed for enquiries on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Thank you. Alan
We are coming back
We have made the decision to resume the business from the 1st of June 2020 we will now accept bookings from that date. Things will be a bit different going forward as everyone and every business learns to live with the threat of the Covid-19 virus. Information about the changes and limitations we are putting in place will be updated over the next week on this website and our other social media accounts.
For the customers whose hires were postponed due to the lockdown we will be contacting you shortly to rearrange new hire dates and update you on the changes we are making to be able to resume hiring safely. For the customer who previously booked hires that have not yet taken place we will be contacting you shortly to make you aware of the changes we need to put in place to ensure your and our safety.
Thank you for your understanding.
Business Update regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This information is currently being updated
I want to let you know some steps I am taking to maintain business continuity in the coming months.
As you are aware, we hire out hot tubs and as such we travel from our base in Dunfermline going to and from our customers’ homes for setups and collections of said hot tubs.
We have many customers relying on our services for special occasion and more, and so our aim is to provide a “business as usual” service for as long as possible.
We are following the current government advice on how to keep our workplace healthy following social distancing advice and regular hand washing and also ensuring we take appropriate steps to keep where possible the safe advised distance away from our customers, family or friends we may encounter during our visits. These steps are to help protect you the customer and ourselves. I would also ask that anyone who is experiencing any of the symptoms of the Coronavirus to please avoid using the hot tub.
The normal hot tub “spa school” we provide for water treatment and maintenance using Chlorine as the sanitizer and PH increaser to balance the waters PH levels at a neutral level are adequate for dealing with various bacteria including the COVID-19 virus which is inactivated at the chemical levels used according to the information here https://www.pwtag.org/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-latest-information-2/.
Further Information
In the meantime, if you have any questions, or need any advice please do not hesitate to email us at staff@hottubhirescotland.co.uk
It is also important that we all follow the guidelines set out by the NHS. For more information click this link https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Kind Regards,
Alan Colbert
AJC Hot Tub Hire
If you have hired a tub from us and would like to help other potential customers know how your experience went, please leave us a review on our Google listing here or use our contact form/email.
Thank you.